SV Restless


Some of the over 45 separate louvers in what looks like coat number 4. There are 2 sizes, and also a few odd ones... every cabinet door has at least 1, for ventilation, and if it's a bigger door it has 2. They work well and look good, but are a tremendous pain to varnish... sanding them is difficult, to say the least. Some coats I've sprayed, some brushed, and we launched the boat without them, because they just didn't get done. Another thing on this winter's list. On the lower right in this picture is a vented loop I welded up, which mounts in the upper part of the wet locker, breaks the raw water line to engine exhaust, and leads to one of the fittings on the port cockpit drain christmas tree... so at the helm I can glance down that drain and know instantly that we've got raw water flow. Works well. Next